Sunday, April 8, 2012

...the color of EASTER!

Happy Easter, 2012...
"May the Lord be with you."

"And with your spirit."

I'm still trying to get used to the change in the English translation of the Catholic Mass...(and I'm trying REALLY hard!) But after 40 days of no soda, meat less Fridays and Anna's first Lent observance, the 40 days preceding Easter were interesting in our house.
Is there anything cuter than
Easter egg coloring... AHHH, memories!
Lovin' the fresh dyed eggs... :-)
Easter morning started with my getting up at the crack of dawn for a 5 mile run... getting dressed... baskets with the kids... church... and the drive up to Orange County for the family event.
I'm not sure who loves their baskets more...
the 7-year old, or the adult kids... ;-)
Jess, Chris and Anna after Mass...
We had a wonderful day at my sister's house... food...drinks... egg hunt... and my favorite, the telling of old family stories... Happy Easter, everyone!
... see the egg in the palm tree...?

Mary, Jess and Me... so Springy...
I love a good 'ole fashion
egg hunt on Easter morning!

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