... if you follow my journey, you know I've been doing tris for 5 years...
... I've lost 50 pounds...
... I've been exhausted... exhilarated... scared... sore... proud... so many emotions...
... last year I trained for my first half Ironman...Oceanside 70.3... 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile (hilly) bike, 13.1 mile run.
... I trained (6) days a week for (4) months.
... I was ready... and the day of the race...
... I had cramping issues within the first 20 minutes of the race, and continued through (7) hours of racing until I had issues and had to leave the course... (6) miles from the finish line.
I've done a lot of thinking and chatting with Jeff this past year. For the 1st time in (5) years, I took several months off this summer to get ready for 2016... no workouts... no training... sleeping in and enjoying the family...
... and then it was time to get back to it.
... and we hired an Ironman specific coach... Hi, Doug! https://www.facebook.com/TriSilk?fref=ts#!/TriSilk/about?section=bio&pnref=about
For the past (6) weeks, I've been working with my coach to get back to it, set my baselines, Garmin set, heart rate set, and workout schedule established. I had no idea there was so much technology that I/we could use for training, but with an out of state coach, I'm excited to see where this will lead! No cheating... my coach reads "Garmin!" :-)
... and today, my journey for Oceanside 70.3 starts.
... and I can hardly wait!