Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Music Day... Don't be "Broken..."

There is a new song that I've added to my training playlist.  It is a slow, but powerful song, and it reminds me why it...IS... SO... IMPORTANT... TO... PLAY with your spouse. 

Don't let yet years go by...

I know... are dealing with the kids...

and the bills...

and everything else...

...except your love. 

Don't get yourself into a place where your relationship is "Broken." You have a choice... broken from him.. or playing with him... :-)

Don't worry, you are "not broken, just bent... and you can learn to love again!"

If I'm talking to you... listen to Pink's "Just Give Me A Reason." Little steps can make it happen.

Life and love are AMAZING...don't forget why you love.

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