Monday, August 29, 2016

Time to Start the Work...

I've been working on my weight and my confidence for many years now.  I started with a great group of friends/support at my local YMCA, started losing weight, did my first sprint triathlon, moved up to the international/olympic triathlon distance races, lost 50 pounds, and have now done (2) 70.3 (half Ironman) distance triathlons.  I have pretty much been on a plateau for the past (4) years and have settled by sitting around 200 pounds, training, racing, and totally enjoying this great sport and the support group/friends of triathlon.

As I just posted, I have been having some issues that have set me back, but I have some new goals!  This blog... posting my photos, my weight, my journey... as tough as it may be at times, has been my biggest form of accountability, and it is time that I got back to work!  I don't like the photos that are posted here.  And although I can't see my insides, I can see from these simple photos of my outsides why I'm not feeling good... strong... confident... sexy...

So, it is time to get to work...

1)  Lose 20 pounds by the end of the year.  I have been as low as 195 on my triathlon journey, so I am almost 20 pounds up from there at this point.  I have been there and I can get there again!  INSPIRATION - We have several special events coming up in the new few months that I would like to look great for.  Also, this is the first step for goal #3 below...

2)  Oceanside 70.3 2017 - I almost finished my first 70.3 in 2015.  I finished my second 70.3 in 8 hours 8 minutes in 2016.  My 2017 goal is to finish under 7 hours!  That is going to be a HUGE improvement to make, but I know I can do it!

3)  ... and Most Exciting, Challenging, Nerve Wrecking, Freaking Me Out goal... USA ATHENA
TRIATHLON NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS!!!!!  The date and location of the 2017 Championship hasn't been announced yet, although it has been in Michigan in June for the past several years.  I'm not sure which distance would be my forte at this point (they have Sprint, Olympic and 70.3 distance races) but I would really like to go for this huge goal!  And yes, it is the Athena Championships, but for me to be competitive, I will need to lose weight.  I am currently 47 pounds above the minimum weight for this race class, and would like to get to within 15 pounds by race day.  32 pounds in the next year... I've lost 50 in a year... I just have to find the key to getting past this plateau and make it happen!

So here we go with the first dose of reality...  I've taken measurements, I'm on a new food/exercise diary program, and ready to make this happen... Day One...


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