WARNING: If you are one of my kids, one of my kids' friends, or my parents, this is FAIR WARNING that you might not want to read this post... yes, I'm going to talk about sex.
Jeff and I are currently celebrating our 10-year wedding anniversary...yes, we started celebrating several weeks ago and will continue with our few private days in Sedona after we move Chris to NAU. And, yes, when I say "celebrate," I mean we have been having a bunch of sex. (I warned you Jess and Chris... I can hear you yelling, "EWWWWWWWWW" from here...)
I wanted to write a little piece about sex because, even after 10 years of marriage, the "girlfriend" journey that I am on is changing our sex life! Now, let me back up just a bit... this journey has focused on several issues... my weight... my confidence... flirting... playing... an intentional focus on our marriage and our relationship and the fun that escapes when you are focused on the "daily grind." (ha, ha, ha... I crack myself up... "daily grind"... ha!)
Weight and Confidence... Do you have any idea how long it has been since we had sex with the lights on... oh, and "day sex"... ummmm, NO... because Jeff could see me. I have done everything possible so that Jeff wouldn't see me naked... SHOOT... I didn't want to see myself naked and I sure didn't want to disappoint him by letting him see me, almost 100 pounds overweight! SERIOUSLY... Jabba the Hut came to mind every time I saw myself as I stepped into the shower...
Now, I am by NO MEANS any type of sex expert, but I can tell you that the "sex climate" that we have had for the past many years has not been very conducive to hot, passionate, sex... we love each other, we "take care" of each other, but those early, honeymoon days were long gone. (Yes, I can hear the majority of you jumping up and down in your chair saying, "That is SOOOO TOTALLY US!") I know I'm preaching to the choir here, which is why I'm putting it all out there... THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT TOPIC THAT HAS TO CHANGE... and you can do it... and, (( insert happy giggle here )) you CAN HAVE FUN with it, too!
So... back to the changes in our sex life. I would have to say that the changes in our sex life are really the changes that have happened in me and with us...
#1 - I have lost almost 50 pounds... and have 2 ways to look at it. I can embrace my hard work and my shrinking figure and let Jeff play with it, OR, I can continue to hide because I still have 40 pounds to lose and am still not the totally hottie I want to be for Jeff. ANSWER: Life is WAY TOO SHORT to waste another second on low self esteem! I have worked my butt off and it is time to play... and ohhhhhhh, the playing is GREAT!
#2 - When you are excited about sex, BOY OH BOY is HE excited about sex. We all know this... this is not rocket science... but when we just let go and give into the moment... when we STOP THINKING about it and just let it happen... and let him see you... and leave the lights on (or at least start with several candles lit), it is amazing how much better and more passionate it will be. You know he is always into it... but when you are on, too... it is MAGIC!
#3 - Love... your... husband. It is really as simple as that. Put on a silky nightgown... call him in the middle of the day and playfully tease him about what will be waiting for him when he gets home... arrange sleepovers for the kids IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WEEK...
Our husbands love us... and it is time that we change that "negative soundtrack" in our head and love ourselves, too... and get back to being our husband's girlfriend... because the benefits are AWESOME! There is only ONE SONG that could be added to our "soundtrack" today... Salt n Pepa's, "Let's Talk About Sex." It is over there on the right... make it a FANTASTIC day!
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