Monday, October 17, 2011

Photos... Week 40... Where did the time go?

It is hard to believe that I've been on this journey for 9 months now.  When I started, I had to constantly tell myself to stop thinking long term... just focus on the first goal... and after reaching the first goal, THEN think about the next goal.  Those negative thoughts in my head kept telling me it was going to take too long... it would be too hard... HOWEVER, I embraced this process and had to be honest with myself... SERIOUSLY... I didn't put all this weight on overnight... I didn't lose my self confidence overnight... and a long term change would only work if it happened... LONG... TERM.   

199.0 pounds

197.6 pounds


One choice at a time...
...One day at a time...
... and be happy, ALL the time!

(Yes, Dad... I went up 1.4 pounds...but it will be back down next week!)
(...and Mom, I REALLY need to be blonde again...)
(...Sweetheart, I'll see you tonight... )

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