Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ohhhhh, Heaven... It's Music Day!

SURPRISE, Surprise!!!  You just had to know that I would be featuring Los Lonely Boys... the band of 3 brothers...  today after the AMAZING private concert from KPRI that Jeff and I enjoyed on Sunday!  Their 4th album, "Rockpango" came out yesterday... but their most popular song is, "Heaven." 

Great beat, smooth song...
put this one on as you are cruising in the car...
top down or windows open...
wind blowing through your hair...
and just enjoy...

Life is here for us to enjoy...
our husbands are here for us to enjoy...
all you have to do is put yourself in the right place to enjoy it all!

New assignments are posted... go check them out and make it a GREAT day!

1 comment:

Jodi_E said...

Tracey you are looking great. Don't know if you remember me but as life would have it I am about to start a blog very similar to this one. Keep up the hard work.