Thursday, July 14, 2011

7 Days... Our Anniversary Countdown... and a simple question...

Last day of our Honeymoon...

 Jeff and I are ONE WEEK
away from our
10 year wedding anniversary! 

I'm sitting here in HAPPY tears as I think about it...

... so much has happened in the past
10 years...

And as we go along this "Girlfriend" journey, it seems only fitting that I would spend the next week sharing inspirational stories or quotes, reminiscing, and "virtually" loving my sweet husband...

TODAY, I have a very simple thought for you...

I believe in the song lyric,
"I love you more today than yesterday..."

... and knowing the feeling of love...
...the butterflies that rise from my stomach and make my head all a flutter...
...our electric touch...
... and the POWER that our amazing love can produce...
...that rises and rises and rises EVERYDAY...

... SOMEDAY...
... will we EXPLODE...?

Wouldn't that be a GREAT way to go... ;-)

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